The Board of Control for Cricket in India's (BCCI) official 'X' handle shared the pictures of the visit and captioned the post, "The BCCI, along with Zimbabwe Cricket and Zimbabwe Tourism, had organised a Wild Life Tour for the Indian Cricket Team & their families in Harare."
The BCCI, along with Zimbabwe Cricket and Zimbabwe Tourism, had organised a Wild Life Tour for the Indian Cricket Team & their families in Harare.
📸 📸 Here are the snapshots from that visit 🔽#TeamIndia | #ZIMvIND — BCCI (@BCCI) July 9, 2024
The Indian squad will be bolstered with the addition of Sanju Samson, Shivam Dube and Yashasvi Jaiswal for the remainder of the series. The trio was part of India's T20 World Cup-winning campaign in the USA and the West Indies.
Due to their delayed return from Barbados, the BCCI had added Sai Sudharsan, Jitesh Sharma and Harshit Rana to India’s squad for the first two T20Is. Sudharshan made his T20I debut in the second match but didn't get the chance to bat.
Shubman Gill-led Indian team registered a commanding 100-run win over Zimbabwe to the five-match series 1-1 after the hosts stunned the young side in the series opener.
The third T20I between India and Zimbabwe will be played in Harare Wednesday.
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