Good conjugal life on the cards. You may get some financial assistance from the government sector. Students may move forward by following the advice of the teachers. You may get a chance to go to distant places. You may be successful in specific tasks. You may win friend’s heart by saying good words.
Favourable colour- Red
Favourable number- 9
Remedy - Chant Om Hring Sri Mangalaya Namah.
You may get more respect in politics due to your strong determination and confidence. You may shine in the field of art, and cinema. You may think to sell the old car. Unpleasant situations may arise with your brothers or neighbours over the house boundary. You may obtain wealth.
Favourable colour- White
Favourable number- 6
Remedy- Recite Gayatri Mantra of 'Sukra'.
Being a victim of selfishness, you may have an atmosphere of laughter and happiness with friends. You may act with determination in order to set new goals in life. There may be slowness in the court cases. Women may not express their feelings. You may establish good relations with prominent people.
Favourable colour- Green
Favourable number- 5
Remedy – Worship Goddess Kamala.
In business, you may obtain huge profits for travelling to distant places. You may refrain from controversy in the political field. Construction and business works which have been stalled for a long time may become smooth. You may become a favourite person by giving good advice to others.
Favourable colour- White
Favourable number- 2
Remedy – Recite Gayatri Mantra of 'Chandra'.
You may be appreciated at the workplace by respecting the opinions of others. You may be happy with a new relationship with a friend by making some ambitious promises. Higher officials may be happy with you. You may sell the land despite your unwillingness to do so.
Favourable colour- Orange
Favourable number- 1
Remedy- Hold the “Yantrika Mahakabach” of Goddess Matangi.
You may suffer from Gastritis. Your financial condition may be improved due to completion of stalled-work. Your work may not be exciting due to mental illness. The burden of expenditure on business may continue to increase. You may solve problems in the political field.
Favourable colour- Green
Favourable number- 5
Remedy- Worship Lord Narayana.
You may start a new business, but you may obtain little profit. You may be able to solve the problems in the field of politics. You may be happy after achieving success in court. You may obtain a new job.
Favourable colour- White
Favourable number- 6
Remedy- Worship ‘Sukra’ and chant the mantra.
You may plan a lot today to keep your body healthy. You may impress others with your words. People may betray you over the land. You may show interest in buying vehicles.
Favourable colour- Red
Favourable number- 9
Remedy- Worship Goddess Bagalamukhi.
Your lost friends may become close again. You may experience some exceptions in your married life. You may be appreciated in the meetings. You may obtain more than expected results in the field of transportation. Students may get higher education.
Favourable colour- Yellow
Favourable number- 3
Remedy- Offer water to “Suryadeb”.
Your financial condition may improve after getting help from relatives. Students may be prepared for higher education. You may face problems over house rent. Women may join in the auspicious events.
Favourable colour- Blue
Favourable number- 8
Remedy- Feed some food to black-coloured dogs.
You may get favourable results in long distant journeys, trade, transport and friendship. You may suffer from physical fatigue and depression due to busy work. Before buying new land, you should look for the best time to buy it. You may face many problems in the field of politics.
Favourable colour- Blue
Favourable number- 8
Remedy- Offer prayers to Lord Hanuman.
You may have less stress in family life. Good conjugal life on the cards. You may face some financial difficulties. You may be forced to spend twice as much as you would get today. You may get favorable results over property disputes or legal cases.
Favourable colour- Yellow
Favourable number- 3
Remedy- Hold Yantrika Mahakabach of Lord Bishnu.