Health problems may arise. Income and expenditure may remain the same. You may get respect from your superiors and get success at work. You may get into trouble due to change in job. Most of the time, because of stress, you may face problems for your words that you shouldn't say.
Favourable Colour: Red
Favourable Number: 9
Remedy: Chant 'Om Hring Shring Mangalaya Namah' Mantra
You are likely to have a sweet relationship with your life partner. Students may maintain concentration. The day is likely to be a profitable one in business and may get fashionable product. Enemies may involve you in court cases, which may increase your spending. You are likely to be happy in the field of art, literature and research. There may be an opportunity to build a new house.
Favourable Colour: White
Favourable Number: 6
Remedy: Bath with Turmeric Water
You may see some improvement in friendship and you may make some new plans with them. You may buy furniture for your house. You may take bold steps in politics. The day is likely to be very good for active sportspersons. Women may spend more time with children.
Favourable Colour: Green
Favourable Number: 5
Remedy: Chant Mantra of Maa Dattatreya
You may gain fame in workplace. You may get social support. You may get some good news in education sector. Housewives may get household items. You may get dragged into unnecessary conflicts. Your actions may become unpleasant for others.
Favourable Colour: White
Favourable Number: 2
Remedy: Feed Stray Dogs
You may have a good health -- both physically and mentally. Colleagues may show empathy and your efficiency may increase in the workplace. Students may do well in their studies. You may find out about your fault from a colleague at work. You may spend happy time with your children.
Favourable Colour: Orange
Favourable Number: 1
Remedy: Wear Jantrika Mahakavach of Maa Matangi
You may find yourself at loss by doubting your closed ones. There is a possibility of a good deal in business. You may experience anxiety for your child. Students may perform well in exams.
Favourable Colour: Green
Favourable Number: 5
Remedy: Donate Something to Poor People
Try to start the business you are thinking of starting. You may get help from higher authority in workplace. You may get opportunities to advance in education and career, so continue to strive with determination. You may get legal assistance in court case.
Favourable Colour: White
Favourable Number: 6
Remedy: Worship Shukra & Chant Mantra
Your hard work may get you a high position in workplace. You should refrain from unnecessary spending. You may set new standards in your career. You are likely to be happy for getting some benefits at the government level. You may meet with an accident.
Favourable Colour: Red
Favourable Number: 9
Remedy: Apply Sindoor on Forehead Before Heading Out
You may fulfill your expectations in business. You may get benefited in real estate transactions. Concerns about love relationships may increase. You may not feel excited for work due to mental instability. You may get an opportunity to learn something new.
Favourable Colour: Yellow
Favourable Number: 3
Remedy: Offer Water to Surya Dev
You may plan to meet close friends. You are likely to have a good day in married life. You may find new avenues of income. You may spend more money by buying things for your house. Students may get distracted and choose wrong path in life. Your neighbours may forget everything and extend the hand of friendship.
Favourable Colour: Blue
Favourable Number: 8
Remedy: Apply Neem Wood Tilak on Forehead
You may see slight improvement in health. You may build courage to stand on your own in life. You may feel happy after achieving success in court. Try to pay attention to your expenses. Good times may come for those working in the field of journalism.
Favourable Colour: Blue
Favourable Number: 8
Remedy: Worship Lord Hanuman
Trade business is likely to be moderate. You may get success in love. Your problem may get solved by discussions. You may take up some work in politics. It is better to leave the past behind and make the most of the present.
Favourable Colour: Yellow
Favourable Number: 3
Remedy: Feed Jaggery, Chickpeas & Ripe Bananas To Gomata (Cow)