Singh, Union Minister of State for Science & Technology, Earth Sciences, Atomic Energy and Space, said this after Odisha's Science and Technology Minister Krushna Chandra Patra called on him in the national capital today and discussed about various aspects of development of StartUps and innovation in Odisha.
#Odisha Minister for Science & Technology, Sh Krushna Chandra Patra called on. Congratulated him for his election victory and induction in Cabinet. With a double engine govt, Odisha will soon be on the development map, driven by #StartUps and #innovation. — Dr Jitendra Singh (@DrJitendraSingh) August 10, 2024
After the meeting, Union Minister Singh said, “People have reposed their faith in the leadership of Prime Minister Modi and chose development.”
Singh also said that Odisha will play a vital role in the development of India and achieving the vision 2047 and display an example of competitive cooperative federalism.
“Odisha has many institutions under the Minister of Science and Technology, specifically the institutes concerned with Space and technology," he added.
The Union Minister also remarked that the land of Lord Jagannath has given numerous jewels to the scientific community and contributed to development of the country.
On his part, Minister Patra commended the feat achieved by the scientific ministries under the charge of Union Minister Jitendra Singh and sought his guidance and support.
The Union Minister has assured him of co-operation from the Union government as far as his ministries are concerned, Patra added.
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