According to the informaiton, devotees with the help of Brahmins conducted Paya Shradha on the Bada Danda (Grand Road) and Baishi Pabachha(22 Steps). Then they called Bada Badua (Forefathers) to listen to their prayers of coming in darkness, having spent time on Baishi Pabachha (Sacred 22 Steps inside the Shreemandir), relishing Mahaprasad and returning to heaven in light.
The devotees made the call by lighting 'jute stems' and amid chanting of Mantra by Brahmins. Bada Badua Ritual Is conducted morning through the night in Puri, while the ritual is conducted during evening hours at family levels.
Generally blasting of crackers is restricted on the Bada Danda to avert possible mishaps.
This year, Deepavali is being conducted for two days in the State. While Kali Puja started today, Deepavali began today and continue till tomorrow.