Addressing a press conference here, CEC Rajiv Kumar said, "The tenure of the present Lok Sabha ends on June 16 and a new House will have to be constituted before that. The tenure of Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, and Odisha assemblies will also end in June this year."
Around 97 crore people are eligible to vote in the upcoming elections, Kumar said adding that approximately 49.7 crore voters are male and 47.1 crore voters are female.
"We have 1.8 crore first-time voters and 19.47 crore voters between the age group of 20-29 years," he said, adding that 88.4 lakh voters are of PwD category, 2.18 lakhs are centenarians and 48,000 are transgenders.
" Over 10.5 lakh polling stations will be set up, 1.5 crore polling officials and security officials will be deployed. More than 55 lakh EVMs, 4 lakh vehicles will be used in the polls,” Kumar said.
The Lok Sabha elections will begin on April 19 across seven phases. The results will be declared on June 4, Kumar added.
Andhra Pradesh Assembly polls:
Voting for 175 assembly seats in Andhra Pradesh will be held on May 13; counting of votes will be held on June 4.
Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh Assembly polls:
Voting for 60 Assembly seats of Arunachal Pradesh and 32 of Sikkim will be held on April 19. Counting of votes will be held on June 4.
Odisha Assembly polls:
The elections for 147 Assembly seats of Odisha will be held in four phases starting from May 13, 2024. The voting in the State will be held on May 13, May 20, May 25 and June 1.
The results will be declared on June 4.
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