You may get a chance to gain affection and respect from others. You may experience mental instability by losing a loved one. Rivalry will continue in business. Getting along with officials will be beneficial for you.
Favourable colour- White,
Favourable number- 6
Remedy- Take a bath with turmeric-mingled water
You may be hurt physically. You are likely to have more interest in housework. You may register a growth in business. House building business is likely to be beneficial for you. Women may be employed.
Favourable colour- Green
Favourable number- 5
Remedy– Worship Maa Biraja
You are likely to be happy due to rapid improvement in your health. It will be beneficial for you if you try to keep yourself under control without getting lost in temporary emotions. You may get results in your favour from meetings, property litigation or composition work.
Favourable colour- White
Favourable number- 2
Remedy–Feed stray dogs
Maintain good physical and mental health. You will feel more secure in your personal and professional life. You may get an opportunity to buy land. You will forget the place where you will keep your belongings? Women will be religious.
Favourable colours– Orange
Favourable number – 1
Remedy – Worship Lord Shri Ram
You are likely to handle an odd situation by applying your intelligence. You may make an important decision suddenly in the official field. You may see any valuable article get damaged today. Court-related matters will be resolved. You may get a contact to purchase new land.
Favourable Colour- Green,
Favourable Number- 5
Remedy- Clean house floor with salt-mingled water
You may turn your friend into a relative. You may get expected business success. You may earn some money by using your father's property. People in the field of journalism may be praised. Students will be successful in their studies.
Favourable colour- White
Favourable Number- 6
Remedy- Recite Gayatri Mantra of Maa Mangala
You will be happy to see the sudden visit of your friend at home. You may face conflicts over small social matters. You will benefit by respecting the opinions of others in every field. You will be worried by thinking abnormally about the events that happened in the past.
Favourable colour- red
Favourable Number- 9
Remedy – Put on Sindur Tikka on the forehead before going outside
You may get little profit in business. There is a possibility of a salary increase. You will have an interest in social activities. Women will stand as a help to others. You may make a special plan based on the wealth acquired by you earlier.
Favourable Colour- Yellow
Favourable Number- 3
Remedy- Worship an idol of Lord Bamana
Due to an increase in file work, you may not find time to spend with your family. You may be unhappy for a short time amid family conflict. Friends will shower praises on you for your generosity and tolerance. You may get financial help and you are likely to be happy to receive any expected news.
Favourable Colour- Blue
Favourable Number-8
Remedy- Put on neem paste on the forehead.
You may have to pay more attention to health. You may get an opportunity to showcase your talent in the field of art. You may be more emotional about any relationship. You may raise your savings and invest some money in some areas.
Favourable colour- Blue
Favourable number- 8
Remedy- Hold Mahakabach of Maa Kaali
You may grow in industry, business, transport and agency. You may discuss with a friend about your child's marriage. You are likely to be appreciated at the social level by doing commendable work in cultural institutions. You may be worried due to a sudden increase in expenses in your family.
Favourable colour- Yellow
Favourable number- 3
Remedy – Feed cows with jaggery, nut and banana