Riddhima, who is the younger sister of actor Ranbir Kapoor, took to her Instagram stories, where she shared a picture of Rishi Kapoor and her daughter Samara Sahni. The throwback picture was taken on his birthday as in the picture he could be seen cutting a cake.
Riddhima wrote: “Happy birthday papa. How I wish you were here celebrating your special day with both your granddaughters / Your “bandri” Sam is all grown up and baby Raha is the cutest – She is a mini you.”
She added that she misses the star with each passing day.
“Papa I will always cherish the memories we got to share. We miss you so much, and our love for you only deepens with each passing day,” she wrote.
Riddhima’s mother and veteran actress Neetu Kapoor did not share any posts, however, she re-shared many wishes on her stories section made by their close friends and colleagues from the industry.
Filmmaker and actor Rakesh Roshan shared a throwback picture featuring him alongside Jeetendra and Rishi. The three are seen posing for the camera and flashing a smile.
Remembering the late star, Rakesh, who is the father of actor Hrithik Roshan, wrote: “Chintu gone but never forgotten, your spirits still lives in our hearts.”
It was on April 30, 2020, when Rishi Kapoor died at the age of 67 after a two-year battle with leukaemia. He had even gone to New York to receive treatment for the same. He was last seen in the 2022 comedy drama film “Sharmaji Namkeen”, which was released posthumously.
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