Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with Odisha CM Mohan Majhi, Deputy CMs- KV Singh Deo and Pravati Parida, Odisha Governor Raghubar Das , Union Ministers Dharmendra Pradhan andd Jual Oram and other MPs and ministers were also present in the programme.
Over 70,000 women are present in the launching program. There excitement knows no bound as they were about to get their first instalment of Rs 5,000 today.
Nearly, 74 lakh women have already registered for the Subhadra Yojana, informed Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida.
Notably, the eligible benificiaries of Subhadra Yojana, who have registered their names by September 15, will get their first instalment of the scheme today (Sept 17).
Eligible women beneficiaries, between the age group of 21 and 60 years, will receive a total of Rs 50,000 in the next five years.
The state government will annually deposit Rs 10,000, in two instalments of Rs 5,000 each on Rakhi Purnima and International Women’s Day (March 8), in the accounts of the beneficiaries through DBT for five years.
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