Chief Minister Mohan Majhi along with Deputy CMs KV Singhdeo and Pravati Parida and other ministers and MLAs will address a public gathering at Saradhabali and present his report card to the people.
Majhi-led govt has showed it is a truly people’s govt by prioritising public grievance redressal.
Odisha BJP President Manmohan Samal expressed pride in the party’s progress, stating that they are committed to fulfilling their pre-poll promises. He explained the government’s key achievements including opening of Puri Srimandir Ratna Bhandar and all four gates, implementation of Subhadra Yojana and increasing MSP.
The 100-day celebrations of the BJP government will be celebrated across the state for four days from 19th to 22nd September.
Similar meetings will be held at the district level where the govt will apprise people about the work done in the 100 days.
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